Attention donut lovers! Mojo Monkey Donuts needs your help to spread the love!
We are very close to getting 1,000 likes on Facebook. If you haven't already, make sure to like us here:
When you like Mojo Monkey Donuts on Facebook, you will get the inside scoop on new donuts, weekly specials, upcoming events and promotions at the shop. Want to know the most delicious perk about liking us on Facebook? The 1,000th follower will receive a dozen donuts and Java To Go coffee delivered to their workplace (as long as you work in the metro area)!
Sounds pretty sweet, huh? Head on over to Facebook, like us, and get ready to make a lot of new friends at work!
“The belle of the ball is Mojo Monkey Donuts, St. Paul’s newest shop.
It has everything you’d ever want in a donut shop: crullers as light
as air, double-chocolate donuts as intensely chocolaty as devil’s food
cake, mocha-crème filled donuts full of lush custard and true mocha
–Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl, food critic and senior editor for
Minnesota Monthly
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